joi, 23 aprilie 2020, 3:55
The newspaper has found out that, after his return at the end of January 2020 from Beijing, the WHO Director-General acclaimed “the transparency of the Chinese State leaders” in front of an Executive Board which afterwards, during five days of session, talked only for one and a half hour about COVID-19. The Executive Board was reassured by Dr. Tedros that ”the spread to other countries is minimal and also slow”.
de Alexandra Nistoroiu și Cătălin Tolontan
WHO held in Geneva the annual meeting of the Executive Board, at the beginning of February, immediately after General-Director dr. Tedros Adhanom returned from Beijing, where he spoke highly about the strategy adopted by China in resolving the COVID-19 crisis, noting”especially the commitment of the high officials and the transparency they have shown”.
Libertatea newspaper has found that after his return to Geneva, dr. Tedros dedicated to the COVID – 19 epidemic only a few minutes in the opening speech of the annual meeting of the Executive Board. On February 3, he said that he is ”so impressed in his meeting with President Xi”, by the transparency of the Chinese State leaders and reassured the Executive Board of WHO that ”if we invest in fighting at the epicenter, at the source, then the spread to other countries is minimal and also slow”.
Everything had begun a few days before.
On February 28 a WHO report is published, after a one-week mission organized by WHO and the Chinese government.
The WHO representatives praise in the report the radical approach of China in the epidemic containment.
The conclusion was unequivocal.
“The bold approach of China to limit the rapid spread of the new respiratory pathogen changed the path of an extremely aggressive epidemic with an elevated potential of deaths”
The epidemiologists have shown which measures from China would have helped in reversing the epidemic:
“The extreme isolation measures to which people refer – when expressing concerns related to human rights – usually reflect the situation from places like Wuhan – where the virus was first detected. The quarantine was focused in Wuhan and in two or three towns where the number of Covid-19 infections also exploded, stated Bruce Aywlard, the epidemiologist in charge of the mission.
„These are the places where things went out of control at the beginning of the epidemic and China took this decision in order to protect itself and the rest of the world” Bruce Aywlard, WHO specialist
“We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak, especially the commitment from top leadership, and the transparency they have demonstrated, including sharing data and genetic sequence of the virus”, said the head of WHO after meeting president Xi.
Tedros Adhanom, Director General of the World Health Organization, attends a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
“WHO is working closely with the government on measures to understand the virus and limit transmission. WHO will keep working side-by-side with China and all other countries to protect health and keep people safe”, Tedros added.
During the same speech which was made public by WHO upon Libertatea demand yesterday, dr. Tedros pleaded for the international travel and trade to China to continue, which was a major concern of the government in Beijing, as several flight operators had already reduced their flights and they were isolating China.
„There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade” dr. Tedros, WHO Director- General, opening speech at the Executive Board meeting, Geneva, February 3, 2020
At that moment, the new coronavirus had been declared since January 30 a public health emergency of international concern by WHO itself.
This is the 6th time WHO has declared a PHEIC since the International Health Regulations (IHR) came into force in 2005.
The red button has also been pushed during several major crises like the Ebola epidemic in western Africa, in 2014-2016, the Zika epidemic in 2016 or the swine flu in 2009.
Alexandru Rafila, the Romanian representative in the WHO Executive Board
On January 30, when WHO pushes the world alert, Alexandru Rafila, the Romanian representative in the WHO Executive Board, is invited in the show “Piaţa Victoriei”, at Europa FM.
His speech shows the awareness regarding the danger, a clear and accurate scientific judgement regarding the imminent coming of the epidemic to our country and the measures to be taken to control this event.
“At the moment there are no cases in Romania. Yet we rank, as a region … the European Union faces a moderate risk. There were cases in France, in Portugal, in Germany. It is important to identify these cases, they must be tested, isolated and monitored for 14 days”, explains Rafila, among other things, at Europa FM.
At one point during the show (minute 30:45), journalist Ioana Ene-Dogioiu asks the country representative at WHO: ”Is there, nevertheless, a concern, a suspicion, taking into account that we are talking about the data provided by China, do you have the certainty, can there ever be a certainty that this data is correct and it is not processed?”.
Following the lead of his chief at WHO, Alexandru Rafila gives unconditional credit to the data provided by China.
„At this moment they (note: the data) is surely correct as in China, in Wuhan, the teams of the World Health Organization are working closely with the Chinese public health authorities” Dr. Alexandru Rafila, member of the WHO Executive Board, January 30, 2020, Bucharest
”The decisions benefit very often from the knowledge of the WHO teams working on the field”, further stated doctor Rafila. ”So the situation is known and you can imagine that if things were different, there would be a contradiction between the statements of the Chinese government and the ones of the WHO experts who are there on the field”, further reassured the WHO official.
Only a few days after the Executive Board meeting takes place, the 146th session in the history of the organisation.
Although this meeting lasts 5 full days, the agenda shows that there were talks about COVID-19 only for:
The new coronavirus emerged scarcely in the opening speech, the report of the Director-General dr. Tedros.
There was another part in the discussion about how ready the states are to face the regular flu season, indicated for Libertatea Christian Lindmeier, WHO spokesman. But there is no record about what was discussed during this debate about the classic flu. This was all that was discussed about COVID at the most important meeting of WHO before the pandemic.
As the international media was already concerned about the subject, WHO held daily press conferences, in parallel with the Executive Board meeting, according to a joke made before his speech, as shown by a recording, by WHO Director-General, dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a presser on the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 at the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
On February 3, the director general of WHO granted a few minutes of his speech to the new epidemic that was already recording 17,238 cases in China, and 151 cases outside China, in no less than 23 countries. Tedros was optimistic, unrealistically optimistic, knowing what we know today, when China admitted to have had a number of deaths 50% higher than the one initially declared:
„During my visit to Beijing last week, I was very impressed in my meeting with President Xi at his detailed knowledge of the outbreak, his personal leadership, and his commitment” dr. Tedros, WHO Director-General, opening speech of the Executive Board, Geneva, February 3, 2020
”If we invest in fighting at the epicentre, at the source, then the spread to other countries is minimal and also slow. If its minimal and slow, what is going outside can also be controlled easily. So the number of cases we have now, 151, is actually small, and its growing only slowly. So it can be managed. It can get even worse. But if we give it our best, the outcome could be even better.”, further said the leader of the World Health Organization.
The following unfolding yet contradicted the estimation and the steps taken by WHO.
Not only that the Executive Board has not discussed, it has not even issued any document related to COVID-19.
None of the documents adopted by the Executive Board, 39 in total, has taken any steps related to the coronavirus epidemic.
In exchange, among other documents that were adopted there are several related to the increase of the revenues of WHO employees. To this end, the salary of the director general of WHO increased from 251,859 USD gross per year, the equivalent of 189,801 USD gross per year, an approximate 10% rise compared to the salary received by dr. Tedros before the Executive Board.
Furthermore, at the beginning of the epidemic, WHO increased the travel entitlements for the members of the Executive Board
On February 7, during the last day of the Executive Board meeting, the committee took the decision to increase the quantum for reimbursement of the travel expenses for the WHO members.
As the figures of the daily allowances were not visible, Libertatea required information regarding the quantum of the current daily allowance.
According to Christian Lindmeier, WHO spokesman, the members of the WHO Executive Board are entitled to 140% of the standard travel subsistence allowance (per diem). The UN standard per diem varies every month. The per diem as at 15 April 2020 amounts to CHF 374.
This means that the members of the Executive Board, among which Alexandru Rafila, are entitled in April to a daily allowance of 523 francs per day- or 500 euros per day.
US President Donald J. Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence
The Trump administration has announced that, for the moment, it will cease the financing of the World Health Administration, given what the White House refers to as mismanagement of the response to coronavirus, writes Wall Street Journal.
Two days before the announcement made by Australia, a similar statement came from the UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, who has been filling in for Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he recovers from COVID-19.
„There’s no doubt we can’t have business as usual after the crisis, and we’ll have to ask the hard questions about how it came about and how it could’ve been stopped earlier” Dominic Raab, quoted by Newsweek
During the last weeks, several countries have criticised the manner in which WHO has handled the situation, as well as Chinas lack of transparency.
The whole world was to find out about the less glorious aspects of the manner in which China handled the epidemic.
At the very beginning of this month, on April 2nd, a report of the US Intelligence showed that China actually hid the size of the epidemic, reporting a smaller number of deaths and infected patients.
The report, delivered to the White House at the end of March and quoted by Bloomberg, was confirmed by three sources, left anonymous. While China imposed an almost complete quarantine in the province and succeeded to control the epidemic, a lot of experts, not only the American intelligence are doubting the authenticity of the reported figures.
Critics now accuse China that, by hiding the truth, the totalitarian regime in Beijing did not provide other countries the opportunity to take more radical measures.
This is the reason for which WHO, an organization whose credibility had been already shattered as a result of faulty management of a previous crisis, as the Ebola epidemic, is now criticised from multiple sources worldwide.
On the other hand, we have to recall that:
(Translated by Andreea Mira)
Marius • 23 aprilie 2020, 18:56
Domnu Tolontan , imi pare rau ca dumneavoastra stiti adevarul in multe domenii dar nu scrieti decat ...... . Eu stiu cazuri concrete de asa zis corona virus morti de coma alcoolica sau alte vrajeli care le stiti mai bine ca mine. Frustrarea mea este cand apar doctorii si asistentii care se dau eroi sau ii prezinta televiziunile eroi . Nu sunt eroi majoritatea sunt niste *** si toata situatia din spitale este si vina lor pt ca au tacut si nu au spus nimic 30 de ani . Si acuma tac in ultimul ceas si nu spun adevarul . Noi oare nu suntem eroi care ne trezim la 5 dimineata si lucram 10 12 ore si paltim taxe ca "eroi " sa primeasca salarii. Sa le fie rusine pt ca prima data cand trebuie sa lucreze numai pt salar sunt eroi, nu sunt eroi , sunt partasi la toata situatia asta si la toata minciuna asta . Mizeria din spitale toate solutiile diluate absolut totul este facut cu concursul lor , deci in concluzie nu sunt eroi sunt complici la fiecare om care moare cu zile in spitale . rusine la eroi astia lasi.
Acest comentariu a fost moderat pentru că nu respectă regulile site-ului.
Marius • 23 aprilie 2020, 18:58
Multumesc daca mi publicati comentariul
bg • 25 aprilie 2020, 5:53
Somnul constiintei, naste monstri! Asa si cu OMS care nu mai este ce a fost si s-a indepartat de la scopul ptr. care a fost creata, capatand un caracter politico-medical. Ce constat este faptul ca Romania, prin reprezentatul ei, este aliniata perfect politicii OMS: "timpul trece, banul vine, noi muncim cu spor ptr. noi, nu pentru cei multi". Din 2014, doctorul Alex. Rafila ocupa acest post la OMS care este pe 9 ani. Ca si colegul sau de la sp. M. Bals, dr. A. S. Cercel, pres. soc. de microbiologie si prof. univ. dr. Alex. Rafila simte rapid mirosul BANILOR MULTI de la distanta si se plaseaza imediat unde trebuie. Dupa ce a fost ani la rand in BOARD-ul Ministerului Sanatatii, in functia de secretar de stat, consilier, de unde Alex. Rafila a condus si a facut strategia sistemului de sanatate publica in Romania, acum vine si ne spune cu netarmurita IPOCRIZIE si CINISM {bazandu-se pe amnezia noastra} ca el ar trebui regandit si reconstruit {DSP-uri, laboratoare, specialisti, etc...}. De catre cine? De catre aceleasi personaje TRISTE care au sapat ani la rand la temelia sist. de sanatate publica si au pus umarul la demolarea si falimentarea lui? Daca asa arata SANATATEA PUBLICA acum, la noi , vi se datoreaza exclusiv Dvs., domnilor guvernanti si politicieni, nu noua simplilor cetateni! Ati patronat cu buna stiinta acest DEZASTRU national. Pe cine vreti sa prostiti ? Ati uitat cand ati scos preventia din programele de control si supraveghere a inf. nosocomiale din spitale, cand ati conditionat raportarea IN de salarizarea pers. sanitar, iar in programul de vaccinare al pop. ati promovat ideea ca mentinerea prod. autohtone de vaccin la IC este nerentabila, desi stiati bine ca fiola de vaccin antigripal, adus din afara prin firmele Farmexpert, Polisano, Mylan costa 2,80 euro in timp ce la IC costa 1,20 euro si multe? Cum se numeste activitatea unui functionar public care prin activitatea lui {legislatie, ordine de ministru, programe nat. de sanatate, comisii de specialitate, finantare, etc...} favorizeaza anumite firme importatoare de medicamente si vaccinuri, in defavoarea firmelor romanesti si a interesului national, punand in pericol securitatea sanatatii unei populatii intregi? Se vede cu ochiul liber...numai autoritatile statului, SRI, DNA, DIICOT, CSAT, guvern, parlament, nu vad...
natafletz • 29 aprilie 2020, 9:40
Păi parca erau 60 minute. Acuma's 90? Asa ați făcut și la #Colectiv... ce mai contează o cifră...